
DRAFT: From PyParallel to Python Free-Threading

Optimally Exploiting Multiple Cores with Python


This article takes a look at the new no-GIL, free-threading functionality introduced in Python 3.13, as well as how it compares and performs against PyParallel’s attempt at explointing multiple CPU cores over ten years ago. Using a demo project named Parallelopedia, we demonstrate the benefits afforded by the new functionality, whereby large data structures (tens to hundreds of gigabytes) are loaded in main memory and then accessed in parallel from Python—a feat not previously possible with the contemporary multiprocessing approach. Additionally, we investigate multi-threaded, parallel inference (generation) of transformer-based Deep Neural Networks via PyTorch, and explorer the limits of what can and can’t currently be done, as well as a roadmap for future PyTorch support.


Trent Nelson

This article is sponsored by Meta in collaboration with Quansight and OpenTeams.


Since it’s inception, Python has had a Global Interpreter Lock, or GIL, that prevented more than one thread running Python code at the same time.

Python 3.13, released in October 2024, is the first version of Python to introduce support for a “no-GIL” free-threaded mode, per PEP-703 Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython, unlocking the ability for multiple Python threads to run simultaneously.

This allows, for the first time since the language’s inception in December 1989, a single Python process to saturate all CPU cores in parallel with pure Python code (i.e. not farming out to extension modules written in C, C++, or, more recently, Rust).

I can’t overstate how exciting this is! For decades, countless attempts have been made to solve this problem—including my own efforts with PyParallel—but no-one had prevailed in getting a solution mainlined into CPython. Until now!

I will admit I am biased: I am a Python committer (though not directly involved in this work), I adore the language, and have spent years obsessing over the dream of a parallel Python. It’s a topic I’m incredibly passionate about, and this article will unabashedly proselytize the extraordinary engineering that finally made a free-threaded Python a reality.

Thankfully, it’s not just blind, uninformed enthusiasm. Over the past few months I’ve had the opportunity to extensively test-drive free-threaded Python to prepare for this article. The verdict? I think it’s phenomenal. Both the implementation and performance on real-world problems. Free-threaded Python removes a significant limitation, making it possible to tackle a wide range of problems that were previously out of reach. I genuinely believe this is the best thing to ever happen to the Python language over the last three decades, and it will solidify its position as one of the most dominant programming languages for the next three decades. After all, we’re not getting fewer cores.

And this is essentially just the first-pass! Certain trade-offs had to be made to deliver the core functionality within a reasonable time frame—like disabling the non-thread-safe functionality introduced by PEP-659 Specializing Adaptive Interpreter, which is the feature responsible for delivering large speedups in the last few prior releases. However, this is on track to be re-enabled in free-threaded mode for Python 3.14, allowing multi-threaded code to also benefit from the same speedups single-threaded code has enjoyed the past few years.

The goal of this article is to review the technical details of the implementation, with some comparisons to prior work such as PyParallel. I’ll then cover the types of problems that are now incredibly well-suited to be tackled with a free-threaded Python, using a demo project I’ve created called Parallelopedia to provide a basis for concrete examples of real-world problems.

Finally, I’ll demonstrate some examples of how PyTorch can be used today with free-threaded Python, with particular focus on parallel inference (generation) on a shared model. Load a model once in a single Python process, replicate it across GPUs of interest, and perform parallel inference from multiple threads without needing to mess around with multiprocessing.

I’ll also cover areas of PyTorch that don’t yet work with free-threading, and the plans for tackling that in the future.

The motivation behind the PyTorch focus is simple: Meta’s PyTorch folks, through their relationship with Quansight, paid for my time to work on this article. Meta was also heavily involved in supporting and funding the free-threaded Python efforts, too; this was also thanks to their relationship with Quansight. So special thanks goes out to Meta for all of their support with both free-threaded Python, and PyTorch overall.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank my friend, colleague, and twice-now boss Dr. Travis Oliphant, CEO of Quansight and OpenTeams, primary creator of NumPy, founding contributor of SciPy, and one of the founders of Continuum.io—now Anaconda, with whom I worked many years ago. After the abrupt layoffs at Voltron Data in late September 2024, I reached out to Travis for work and he snapped me up instantly, putting me to work on the PyTorch project with Andrew James for a few months before I started my new role as a Principle Engineer at NVIDIA on the Core CUDA Compute Libraries team in late January, 2025.

Thank you Meta, Quansight, Travis, and James! And thanks to all the folks involved in delivering free-threaded Python, including the Python Steering Council for taking a calculated risk and accepting PEP-703 Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython in the first place.


The Related Work section of PEP-703 does a fantastic job of capturing all of the past attempts at improving Python’s ability at simultaneously leveraging multiple CPU cores.

I believe the first attempt was in 1996, when Greg Stein…

David Beazley’s An Inside Look at the GIL Removal Path of Lore.

Larry Hasting’s Gilectomy.

The hilarious Reddit post by user /u/corysama in the thread Describe what developing for each console you’ve developed for is like.. With regards to PS2 development, the following comment always stood out to me:

There are so many amazing things you can do, but everything requires backflips through invisible blades of segfault.

That absolutely encompasses the first few months of developing PyParallel. And then all subsequent months. Larry Hasting’s has a similar sentiment in the Gilectomy README, with the first sentence proudly stating:

Welcome to the exciting world of segfaults and massive slowdowns!

Way back in October 2012, there was a discussion on the python-ideas@ mailing list titled asyncore: included batteries don’t fit. The general discussion centered around providing better asynchronous I/O primitives in Python 3.14, and eventually led to the async and yield from keywords being introduced in Python 3.5, released around two years later in September 2015.

That thread was also the genesis for PyParallel; a fork of Python 3.3.5 that I created to implement a proof-of-concept version of the Python interpreter that tackled not only asynchronous I/O but also multi-core parallelism. Specifically, my hunch was that parallelism within the Python interpreter could be achieved when framed through the lens of asynchronous I/O primitives, such as TCP/IP socket servers.


There’s a comprehensive backstory that I’ve placed toward the end such that I don’t detract too much from the main purpose of this article, which is to focus on the exciting new primitives available to use via Python 3.13’s free-threading facilities.


PyParallel Backstory

I’m not sure how interesting this section will be to readers, which is why I’ve stashed it at the end of the article. The older I get—especially now that I have a daughter—the more cathartic it is reminiscing about the early parts of my career some nearly-two-decades-ago.

This section captures the backstory behind PyParallel. PyParallel was born out of a) my interest in asynchronous I/O and multithreaded programming, and b) my experience with Snakebite, an “open source network” I built with the goal to provide Python committer’s access to all the different types of platforms Python ran on—especially all the UNIX derivatives from the late 90s to 00s for which I seemed to be genetically predisposed to overly romanticize.

And I came up with the idea for Snakebite as a Python committer, where I found myself often frustrated at trying to debug buildbot breaks on platforms for which I had no access. And becoming a Python committer was an artifact of my involvement with the Python language, particularly with regards to providing buildbots and help with Windows 64-bit Python builds in the early days where AMD64 was still a novelty.

And I was led to Python by a random article by Eric S. Raymond, coupled with growing resentment toward Perl, which I found myself having to use when working with ClearQuest.

That’s the reverse chronological history in a nutshell. The next few sections go into more detail chronologically.

Becoming a Python Committer

From around 2000 to 2004, I was writing mostly C, C++, and Perl. I had founded a company with a business partner, Jamie Echlin, called OnResolve, and provided consultancy for an IBM—formerly Rational—change management product called ClearQuest, as well as a number of software products that extended the functionality of ClearQuest. ClearQuest could be customized in two languages: Visual Basic, and Perl. The most prominent software product Jamie and I created was OnMessage, which was a combination of C++ and Perl, and provided enhanced e-mail notification facilities for ClearQuest. Jamie deserves much of the credit for what eventually became known as OnMessage —despite having a quirky Perl coding style I found difficult to work with, he absolutely laid the foundation for the product and the subsequent success we had with it.

ClearQuest, and its version-control counterpart, ClearCase, were ubiquitous in all of the industries that had the most money in the early to mid 2000s. Particularly finance and oil. No-one liked using either of them, they were expensive, required huge teams to maintain and administer, and with the advent of tools like Git and Github (albeit many years later), they are now relegated to the annals of history.

I was relatively productive with Perl, but I didn’t particularly like it. And I absolutely loathed having to deal with other people’s Perl code. Around late 2004 and 2005, Python arrived on my radar. I remember reading Eric S. Raymond’s Why Python article about Python, and it resonated strongly with me. Coming from Perl, Python just felt simply magical. It was intuitive, easy to read, not cryptic, easy to work with other people’s code, powerful–particularly as a glue language.

I adored it. I tackled all new projects with Python. I wrote a Python wrapper around ClearQuest named cqpython, which I used to carry out one of my most favorite projects to date: merging two ClearQuest databases into a single instance by auto-generating optimized SQL to conduct the merge at the database level. (This was harder than it sounds, as all ClearQuest databases would start off with the same unique ID offsets, so two otherwise unrelated databases would have almost identical keys for different entities, which needed to be resolved efficiently at merge time.)

By 2007-2008, I was bored of ClearQuest—it wasn’t a fun product to work with, nor did it look like it would be a good career move to continue specializing in it; the prices were extortionate, a lot of companies were trying to move off it, and better, cheaper alternatives were popping up.

However, it sure had been lucrative. I was able to enjoy extended periods of not needing to work, and I spent that time on things I was finding really fun, like contributing to Python. I set up a bunch of buildbots for Python, and was particularly interested in getting the 64-bit Windows Python builds “green” on the buildbots I had set up. I think I even paid for the Verisign code signing certificate used for the Python.org official Windows binaries back then (this was still the Python 2.x days).

This was back in the day where Martin von Löwis was still an active contributor for Python, and if I recall correctly, the release manager for the Python 2.x series. Martin also maintained the Windows Python builds, a role that was eventually taken over by Steve Dower, who is still doing it to this day.

In 2008, I attended PyCon in Chicago. It was my first-ever PyCon. I had a fantastic time, and particularly loved the core Python sprints that happened after the conference. For those that are unaware, this is the one time every year where many of the active Python committers, including Guido, get together in a big conference room and just hack on Python collectively for a few days.

It was a bit of a surreal experience, sitting in a room hacking on Python alongside the very founder of Python himself—Guido—plus many other luminaries that actively contributed to the language over the years. I don’t know who took this photo, nor why it appears to have dimensions tailored towards ants, but you can see myself and Michael Ford in the foreground table, Guido in the bright green shirt at the top right table, sitting with Neal Norwitz and Barry Warsaw. And that looks like Brett Canon and Martin von Löwis at the middle table.

PyCon 2008 Core Sprint

I remember inundating Martin with patch bombs fixing various buildbot-related things at the start of that sprint, to which Martin eventually dealt with by simply offering me commit privileges. I enthusiastically accepted! Honestly, that was a career highlight. This was in the days before everything was Github and Pull Requests—becoming a Python committer meant you would literally get svn+ssh access to svn.python.org, plus ssh access to the python.org boxes themselves if you wanted it/needed it (i.e. for buildbot master configuration). This was certainly more compelling than the ClearQuest consultancy I’d done in the past, that’s for sure!

As much as I love Git and Github, getting your pull request accepted for an open source project just doesn’t have the same feel as getting offered commit privileges like back in the old days.

Snakebite: The Open Source Network

The python-ideas@ asyncore discussion

My Hunch

Offline Discussions with Guido

The Genesis of PyParallel

Prior Attempts at Removing the GIL

Removing the GIL without removing the GIL

Windows, Threading, and Asynchronous I/O

The backstory behind that hunch warrants its own article, and I don’t want to detract too much from the purpose of this article, which is to focus on the exciting new primitives available to use via Python 3.13’s free-threading facilities. Suffice to say that circa 2012, having done over a decade of multi-threaded and asynchronous I/O systems programming on UNIX and Windows by that stage, I had pretty strong ideas about how to best write high-performance parallel programs that optimally used multi-threading and asynchronous I/O primitives.

And to the detriment of wide-spread adoption of PyParallel, I was convinced that the sublime facilities provided by the Windows NT kernel for multi-threading and asynchronous I/O

without the restrictions imposed by the Python interpreter’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL).

def get_page_offsets_for_key3(search_string):
    results = []
    items = titles.items(search_string)
    if not items:
        return results
    for (key, value) in items:
        v = value[0]
        o = uint64(v if v > 0 else v*-1)
        ix = offsets.searchsorted(o, side='right')
        results.append((key, int(o-uint64_7), int(offsets[ix]-uint64_11)))
    return results


As much as I enjoy reading technical articles, I often find myself equally interested in the tools the author used in the production of the article. In this final section, I attempt to capture details regarding the tools used to author this article, in no particular order.

Quarto & Markdown

This article was written in Markdown using Quarto. The source code is here; there’s also an Edit this page link on the top-right of the page, under the contents (assuming you’re viewing the site on a wide-enough device).

For the syntax color scheme, I copied the dracula.theme from the Quarto repository into tpn.theme and then just hacked on it until I was mostly content with the results.

My whole trent.me website uses Quarto, and is hosted publicly on Github at my website repo. I also leverage Github’s hosting facilities via their “Pages” functionality, the configuration of which can be seen below.

Github Pages Configuration for tpn/website

Github Pages Configuration for tpn/website

“Development” on the website (i.e. writing articles like this one) is done on a variety of boxes, typically all Linux/WSL2. Quarto has a useful preview feature, so my local workflow is usually just something as simple as:

% cd ~/src/website
% quarto preview

I edited this index.qmd page predominantly in vim, although I’d sometimes use VS Code and the Quarto extension with integrated previewing. I generally turn Copilot off in vim when writing pure text, it’s too distracting, and isn’t geared toward writing new prose versus coding tasks, which is obviously its bread and butter.

AI Tooling

In general, I for one welcome our new AI overlords. I have heavily integrated Copilot and ChatGPT into my workflow now as a developer for the past two years or so, and I thoroughly enjoy leveraging both tools.

LM Studio

LM Studio has also left a lasting impression and I’ve enjoyed experimenting with it a lot recently too. This has been aided by having a local box at home with 256 GB RAM, 40 cores, four Tesla V100 32GB GPUs, and a 14TB RAID0 stripe—plenty of room to download all of these huge models coming out.

A nice thing about LM Studio is that with a few clicks you can expose a local, OpenAI-compatible REST interface. LM Studio is powered by llama.cpp.


I came across Aider recently. Aider is, to quote their website, directly, AI pair programming in your terminal. It’s pretty neat, and I played around with having it drive a little bit of the Python development in the parallelopedia repo, and a lot of the development in the parallelopedia-ui repo, which is the React, Bootstrap, JavaScript/JSX web UI seen in this article.

I’m not a web developer, I don’t know how to write web apps, I don’t care about code quality of web apps I do write (as I’m not writing anything other than demos or small little tools), so, whatever gets the job done is fine. However, I am, by trade, a software engineer, so a lot of the core skill set still commutes when working in foreign domains. Especially these days when you have AI an alt-tab away, or, in the case of Aider, available in a terminal to carry out your development requests.

The biggest issue I had with Aider was honestly just biting the bullet and just trying it. Begin, the rest is easy as they say. It’s definitely not perfect–I had to jump in and fix things a few times every session I had with it, but we’re talking maybe five interventions within a 3-4 hour coding session, give or take. It was particularly good at generating scaffolding that I could hack further with a single sentence. And it was really good at writing an entire Python unit test module for me based on a single-sentence.

To get started with Aider:

% python -m pip install aider-install
% aider-install
# Restart shell, or `export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH`
% which aider
# I've got my OpenAI keys in a GPG-encrypted file ~/.zsh/openai_key.asc.
% which init_openai_key
init_openai_key () {
    if [ -f ~/.zsh/openai_key.asc ]
        export OPENAI_API_KEY=$(
            gpg -d --batch --quiet ~/.zsh/openai_key.asc
% init_openai_key
% aider --model gpt-4o --vim

It was trivial to point it at a local model hosted by LM Studio, too:

% aider --model lm_studio/qwen2.5-coder-32b-instruct@fp16 --vim

By default, Aider keeps a Markdown transcript of your sessions in a file named .aider.chat.history.md in the root of the repository you’re working with. I have included the transcript from my parallelopedia-ui repo below. I haven’t edited it, so it contains all my mistakes and errors and whatnot.

aider chat started at 2025-01-03 16:53:15

Add .aider* to .gitignore (recommended)? (Y)es/(N)o [Yes]: y
Added .aider* to .gitignore
/home/trent/.local/bin/aider –model gpt-4o –vim
Warning: gpt-4o expects these environment variables
Warning: gpt-4o-mini expects these environment variables
You can skip this check with –no-show-model-warnings

aider chat started at 2025-01-03 16:53:54

/home/trent/.local/bin/aider –model gpt-4o –vim
Aider v0.70.0
Main model: gpt-4o with diff edit format
Weak model: gpt-4o-mini
Git repo: .git with 0 files
Repo-map: using 1024 tokens, auto refresh

/add src/Wiki.jsx

No files matched ‘src/Wiki.jsx’. Do you want to create /mnt/raid1/trent/src/parallelopedia-ui/src/Wiki.jsx? (Y)es/(N)o [Yes]: y
Added src/Wiki.jsx to the chat

Implement src/Wiki.jsx, which will be a React Bootstrap component that will have a single search box than spans the container.

To implement the Wiki component using React Bootstrap with a single search box that spans the container, we will create the component in src/Wiki.jsx. Here is the implementation:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
import React from 'react';
import { Container, Form, FormControl } from 'react-bootstrap';

const Wiki = () => {
    return (

export default Wiki;
>>>>>>> REPLACE

To ensure the component works correctly, make sure you have react-bootstrap installed in your project. If not, you can install it using the following command:

npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap

Tokens: 2.4k sent, 176 received. Cost: $0.0077 message, $0.0077 session.
Committing src/Wiki.jsx before applying edits.
Commit c522407 feat: Add Wiki component to the source directory
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 6ce6206 feat: Implement Wiki component with search box using React Bootstrap
npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap
Run shell command? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on’t ask again [Yes]: n
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Add to the appropriate in App.jsx.

Please add App.jsx to the chat so I can make the necessary changes to include the <Wiki /> component in the appropriate <Tab>.

Tokens: 2.8k sent, 31 received. Cost: $0.0072 message, $0.01 session.

/add src/App.jsx src/Stats.jsx src/TerminalTab.jsx src/TerminalComponent.jsx

Added src/App.jsx to the chat
Added src/Stats.jsx to the chat
Added src/TerminalComponent.jsx to the chat
Added src/TerminalTab.jsx to the chat

/add src/index.css src/App.scss src/App.css

Added src/App.css to the chat
Added src/App.scss to the chat
Added src/index.css to the chat

Add to the appropriate in App.jsx.

To add the <Wiki /> component to the appropriate <Tab> in App.jsx, we need to import the Wiki component and include it in the “Wiki” tab. Here are the changes:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
import Wiki from "./Wiki";
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
          <Tab title="Wiki" eventKey="wiki"></Tab>
          <Tab title="Wiki" eventKey="wiki">
            <Wiki />
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This will ensure that the Wiki component is rendered within the “Wiki” tab.

Tokens: 4.9k sent, 151 received. Cost: $0.01 message, $0.03 session.
Committing src/App.jsx before applying edits.
Commit 1682fa5 feat: Add main application component in App.jsx
Applied edit to src/App.jsx
Commit ce5f9ab feat: Add component to the Wiki tab in App.jsx
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.


The wiki search box doesn’t have enough vertical space between it and the tab above. Add some stylesheets or styles in the app.scss file to improve the spacing.

To improve the vertical spacing between the search box and the tab above it, we can add some custom styles in the App.scss file. Here’s how you can do it:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
// Override specific elements with monospace font sizes
samp {
    white-space: nowrap; // Prevents text wrapping
    font-size: $font-size-monospace; // Apply custom font size to monospace elements
.wiki-search-container {
    margin-top: 20px; // Add vertical space between the tab and the search box

// Override specific elements with monospace font sizes
samp {
    white-space: nowrap; // Prevents text wrapping
    font-size: $font-size-monospace; // Apply custom font size to monospace elements
>>>>>>> REPLACE

Next, apply this new class to the Container in the Wiki component:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
        <Container className="wiki-search-container">
>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes will add vertical space between the tab and the search box in the Wiki component.

Tokens: 5.2k sent, 245 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.04 session.
Committing src/App.scss before applying edits.
Commit 065db7a feat: Add main stylesheet for the application
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Applied edit to src/App.scss
Commit ad6f1b5 style: Add vertical spacing between the tab and search box in Wiki component
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.


When I type into the search box, I get the following error in the browser console: dgx/:1 Access to fetch at ‘http://localhost:4444/offsets/Pytho’ from origin ‘http://dgx:3000’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request’s mode to ‘no-cors’ to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

Add URL to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(A)ll/(S)kip all/(D)on’t ask again [Yes]: n
Add URL to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(A)ll/(S)kip all/(D)on’t ask again [Yes]: n

The error you’re encountering is due to the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) policy, which restricts web pages from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the web page. To resolve this issue, you can modify the fetch request to include the mode: 'cors' option. However, this alone might not solve the problem if the server at http://localhost:4444 is not configured to allow requests from your origin.

Here’s how you can modify the fetch request in src/Wiki.jsx:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
        const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:4444/offsets/${value}`);
        const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:4444/offsets/${value}`, {
          mode: 'cors'
>>>>>>> REPLACE

If the server is under your control, you will need to configure it to include the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in its responses. If you don’t have control over the server, you might need to use a proxy or contact the server administrator to enable CORS for your domain.

Tokens: 6.0k sent, 231 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.06 session.
Committing src/Wiki.jsx before applying edits.
Commit 943c680 feat: Implement search functionality with results display in Wiki component
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 6d699ab fix: Add CORS mode to fetch request in Wiki component
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

/ask Tell me more about Access-Control-Allow-Origin… I presume I need to have that set on the localhost:4444 server? I do have control over it so is it just a matter of adding that header to the server’s output?

Tell me more about Access-Control-Allow-Origin… I presume I need to have that set on the localhost:4444 server? I do have control over it so is it just a matter of adding that header to the server’s output?

Yes, you are correct. The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is a part of the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) mechanism that allows servers to specify which origins are permitted to access their resources. When a web application makes a request to a server that is on a different origin (domain, protocol, or port), the server must include this header in its response to allow the request.

To resolve the CORS issue you’re facing, you need to configure your server running on localhost:4444 to include the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in its responses. Here’s how you can do it, depending on the server technology you’re using:

For Express.js (Node.js)

If you’re using Express.js, you can use the cors middleware to handle this:

  1. Install the cors package:

    npm install cors
  2. Use the cors middleware in your server setup:

    const express = require('express');
    const cors = require('cors');
    const app = express();
    // Your routes here
    app.listen(4444, () => {
      console.log('Server is running on port 4444');

For Other Server Technologies

  • Apache: You can add the following line to your .htaccess file or your server configuration:

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
  • Nginx: Add the following line to your server block configuration:

    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';

Important Note

  • The * wildcard allows any origin to access the resource. This is suitable for development but not recommended for production environments due to security concerns. In production, you should specify the exact origin(s) that are allowed to access your server.

  • If your server needs to handle credentials (such as cookies or HTTP authentication), you should set Access-Control-Allow-Origin to a specific origin and also include the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header set to true.

By adding the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to your server’s responses, you should be able to resolve the CORS issue and allow your React application to make requests to the server.

Tokens: 4.2k sent, 473 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.08 session.

What would exact origin look like if both servers are running on the host “dgx” but listening on different ports?

If both servers are running on the host “dgx” but listening on different ports, you would specify the exact origin by including the protocol, hostname, and port number. For example, if your React application is running on port 3000 and your API server is running on port 4444, you would set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to http://dgx:3000 on your API server.

Here’s how you can configure it for an Express.js server:

const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors');
const app = express();

  origin: 'http://dgx:3000'

// Your routes here

app.listen(4444, () => {
  console.log('Server is running on port 4444');

This configuration allows requests from http://dgx:3000 to access resources on your API server running on http://dgx:4444.

Tokens: 6.9k sent, 201 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.10 session.

/ask What would the raw HTTP header look like from the server in that case?

What would the raw HTTP header look like from the server in that case?

If you configure your server to allow requests from a specific origin, such as http://dgx:3000, the raw HTTP response header from the server would include the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header specifying that origin. Here’s what the relevant part of the HTTP response headers might look like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://dgx:3000

This header tells the browser that the resource can be accessed by web pages from the specified origin (http://dgx:3000). If you have additional CORS-related headers, such as those for handling credentials or specific HTTP methods, they might look like this:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://dgx:3000
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Specifies the origin that is allowed to access the resource.
  • Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: Indicates whether the response to the request can be exposed when the credentials flag is true.
  • Access-Control-Allow-Methods: Lists the HTTP methods that are allowed when accessing the resource.
  • Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Lists the headers that can be used when making the actual request.

These headers are part of the CORS protocol and help manage cross-origin requests securely.

Tokens: 4.9k sent, 291 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.11 session.

Change Wiki.jsx so that when a search result is clicked on, all the results are immediately hidden/deleted, such that the xml content is the only thing shown.

To modify the Wiki.jsx component so that the search results are hidden when a result is clicked, we need to clear the results state when an item is selected. Here are the changes:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
    } catch (error) {
      setResults([]); // Clear results when an item is clicked
    } catch (error) {
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This change ensures that when a search result is clicked, the results state is cleared, effectively hiding the list of search results and displaying only the XML content.

Tokens: 7.4k sent, 119 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.13 session.
Committing src/Wiki.jsx before applying edits.
Commit f214e0c fix: Update fetch URLs from localhost to dgx in Wiki component
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 7b60e12 feat: Clear search results when a search result is clicked in Wiki.jsx
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Change the search box so that the search request is only dispatched when three or more characters have been typed.

To ensure that the search request is only dispatched when three or more characters have been typed, we need to modify the condition in the handleSearch function. Here is the change:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
    if (value.trim() !== "") {
    if (value.trim().length >= 3) {
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This change updates the condition to check if the trimmed input length is three or more before dispatching the search request.

Tokens: 6.2k sent, 98 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.15 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 7c4a4d3 feat: Dispatch search request only after three or more characters typed
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Change the “handleResultClick” logic so that when an item is clicked, the string contents are placed into the Search bar, but no new search is conducted.

To modify the handleResultClick function so that the clicked item’s string content is placed into the search bar without conducting a new search, we need to update the logic to set the query state without triggering the search. Here is the change:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      setQuery(xmlData); // Place the string content into the search bar
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This change ensures that when an item is clicked, its content is placed into the search bar, and the search results are cleared without initiating a new search.

Tokens: 6.4k sent, 128 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.16 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 1feb90d feat: Update handleResultClick to set query without triggering search
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Change the Wiki logic so that there’s a one second delay of no typing before a search is dispatched. If another key comes in before 1 second, the timer is reset. Only dispatch a search if there has been no typing for at least a second.

To implement a one-second delay before dispatching a search request, we can use a debounce technique. This involves setting a timeout that resets every time a new key is pressed. Here’s how you can modify the Wiki.jsx file:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
  // Handle input change and fetch search results
  const handleSearch = async (e) => {
    const value = e.target.value;

    if (value.trim().length >= 3) {
      try {
        const response = await fetch(`http://dgx:4444/offsets/${value}`, {
          mode: "cors",
        const data = await response.json();
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
    } else {
  // Debounce search function
  let searchTimeout = null;

  const handleSearch = (e) => {
    const value = e.target.value;

    if (searchTimeout) {

    if (value.trim().length >= 3) {
      searchTimeout = setTimeout(async () => {
        try {
          const response = await fetch(`http://dgx:4444/offsets/${value}`, {
            mode: "cors",
          const data = await response.json();
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
      }, 1000);
    } else {
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This change introduces a debounce mechanism by using a setTimeout that delays the search request by one second. If another key is pressed before the timeout completes, the timer is reset.

Tokens: 6.7k sent, 387 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.19 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 65f7959 feat: Implement debounce for search input with one second delay
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

When a search result is clicked on, e.g. “Python (Programming Language)”, only that text should be placed in the search box, not the results of the search.

To ensure that only the text of the clicked search result is placed in the search box, we need to update the handleResultClick function to set the query state with the result’s name instead of the XML data. Here is the change:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
  const handleResultClick = async (startByte, endByte) => {
  const handleResultClick = async (name, startByte, endByte) => {
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      setQuery(xmlData); // Place the string content into the search bar
      setQuery(name); // Place the result's name into the search bar
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
          onClick={() => handleResultClick(startByte, endByte)}
          onClick={() => handleResultClick(name, startByte, endByte)}
>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes ensure that when a search result is clicked, only the result’s name is placed in the search box, and the XML data is still fetched and displayed.

Tokens: 6.5k sent, 230 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.20 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 7b93ced fix: Update search result click handler to set query with result name
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

The search results should take up as much vertical space as there is left on the page. Currently the entire line is being displayed as a single line with a horizontal scroll bar.

To ensure that the search results take up as much vertical space as possible and to prevent horizontal scrolling, we can adjust the CSS styles in App.scss to allow the list to expand and wrap text. Here are the changes:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
.wiki-search-container {
    margin-top: 20px; // Add vertical space between the tab and the search box
.wiki-search-container {
    margin-top: 20px; // Add vertical space between the tab and the search box
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    height: 100vh;

.wiki-search-container .list-group {
    flex-grow: 1;
    overflow-y: auto;

.wiki-search-container .list-group-item {
    white-space: normal; // Allow text to wrap
>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes will make the search results list take up the remaining vertical space and allow the text to wrap, preventing horizontal scrolling.

Tokens: 6.8k sent, 201 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.22 session.
Applied edit to src/App.scss
Commit aad00d5 style: Adjust search results container for vertical space and text wrapping
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

When the search box is cleared, both the search results and article elements should be hidden/removed/cleared.

To ensure that both the search results and article elements are cleared when the search box is cleared, we need to update the handleSearch function to reset the selectedXml state when the query is empty. Here is the change:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
    } else {
      setSelectedXml(null); // Clear selected XML when the search box is cleared
    } else {
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This change will ensure that when the search box is cleared, both the search results and the selected article are hidden/removed.

Tokens: 6.1k sent, 114 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.24 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 47b425f fix: Clear selected XML when the search box is cleared
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

When a new character is typed… all outstanding searches should be immediately cancelled. If they have results that are received after the “cancellation point”, the results should be discarded immediately.

To implement the cancellation of outstanding searches and discard results received after the “cancellation point,” we can use an AbortController to manage the fetch requests. Here’s how you can modify the handleSearch function:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
  // Debounce search function
  // Debounce search function and abort controller for cancelling requests
  const abortControllerRef = useRef(null);
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
    if (searchTimeout) {
    if (abortControllerRef.current) {
      abortControllerRef.current.abort(); // Cancel any ongoing fetch requests

    if (searchTimeout) {
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      searchTimeout = setTimeout(async () => {
      searchTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
        abortControllerRef.current = new AbortController();
        const { signal } = abortControllerRef.current;

>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
          const response = await fetch(`http://dgx:4444/offsets/${value}`, {
            mode: "cors",
          const data = await response.json();
          fetch(`http://dgx:4444/offsets/${value}`, {
            mode: "cors",
            .then((response) => response.json())
            .then((data) => {
            .catch((error) => {
              if (error.name !== "AbortError") {
                console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes will ensure that any ongoing search requests are cancelled when a new character is typed, and any results received after the cancellation will be discarded.

Tokens: 6.3k sent, 381 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.26 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 4277f3d feat: Implement cancellation of outstanding searches on new input
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.


Multiline mode: Enabled. Enter inserts newline, Alt-Enter submits text

/ask This is a sample piece of content returned by the “selectedXml” bit:

#### Test (Unix)

0 2491736 629490168 629490063 2014-10-13T21:13:12Z 2A02:580:B0ED:E300:9DBB:3B15:8A21:F31E /* Description / wikitext text/x-wiki {{lowercase|title= test (Unix)}} ’‘’test’’’ is a [[command line interface|command-line]] utility found in [[Unix-like]] operating systems that evaluates [[Conditional (programming)|conditional expressions]]. ==Syntax== test ‘’expression’’ or [ ‘’expression’’ ] ==Description== The <code>test</code> command in Unix evaluates the <code>expression</code> parameter. In some shells such as [[FreeBSD]] <code>sh(1)</code> it is a [[shell builtin]], even though the external version still exists. In the second form of the command, the <code>[ ]</code> (brackets) must be surrounded by blank spaces. This is because <code>[</code> is a program and [[POSIX]] compatible shells require a space between the program name and its arguments. One must test explicitly for file names in the C shell. File-name substitution ([[glob (programming)|globbing]]) causes the shell script to exit. == Arguments == The following arguments are used to construct this parameter: ’’‘-e’’’ FileName - FileName exists All remaining arguments return true if the object (file or string) exists, and the condition specified is true. ’’‘-b’’’ Filename - Returns a True exit value if the specified FileName exists and is a block special file ’’‘-c’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[character special file]] ’’‘-d’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[directory (file systems)|directory]] ’’‘-f’’’ FileName - FileName is a regular file ’’‘-g’’’ FileName - FileName’s Set [[Group identifier (Unix)|Group ID]] bit is set ’’‘-h’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[symbolic link]] ’’‘-k’’’ FileName - FileName’s sticky bit is set ’’‘-L’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[symbolic link]] ’’‘-p’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[named pipe]] (FIFO) ’’‘-r’’’ FileName - FileName is readable by the current process ’’‘-s’’’ FileName - FileName has a size greater than 0 ’’‘-t’’’ FileDescriptor - [[File descriptor|FileDescriptor]] is open and associated with a [[pseudo terminal|terminal]] ’’‘-u’’’ FileName - FileName’s Set [[User identifier (Unix)|User ID]] bit is set ’’‘-w’’’ FileName - FileName’s write flag is on. However, the FileName will not be writable on a read-only file system even if test indicates true ’’‘-x’’’ FileName - FileName’s [[Execution (computers)|execute]] flag is on If the specified file exists and is a directory, the <code>True</code> exit value indicates that the current process has permission to change <code>cd</code> into the directory. file1 ’’‘-nt’’’ file2 - file1 is newer than file2 file1 ’’‘-ot’’’ file2 - file1 is older than file2 file1 ’’‘-ef’’’ file2 - file1 is another name for file2 - ([[symbolic link]] or [[hard link]]) === String arguments === In [[Perl]], these sections are reversed: <code>eq</code> is a string operator and <code>==</code> is a numerical operator, and so on for the others. ’’‘-n’’’ String1 - the length of the String1 variable is nonzero ’’‘-z’’’ String1 - the length of the String1 variable is 0 (zero) String1 ’’‘=’’’ String2 - String1 and String2 variables are identical String1 ’’‘!=’’’ String2 - String1 and String2 variables are not identical String1 - String1 variable is not a null string === Number arguments === Integer1 ’’‘-eq’’’ Integer2 - Integer1 and Integer2 variables are [[algebra]]ically equal ’’‘-ne’’’ - not equal ’’‘-gt’’’ - greater than ’’‘-ge’’’ - greater or equal ’’‘-lt’’’ - less than ’’‘-le’’’ - less or equal === Operators === <code>test</code> arguments can be combined with the following operators: ’’‘!’’’ - Unary negation operator ’’‘-a’’’ - Binary AND operator ’’‘-o’’’ - Binary OR operator (the <code>-a</code> operator has higher precedence than the <code>-o</code> operator) ’’‘(Expression)’’’ - Parentheses for grouping must be escaped with a backslash <code>&lt;/code> The <code>-a</code> and <code>-o</code> operators, along with parentheses for grouping, are XSI extensions<ref>[http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/test.html IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004, documentation for <code>test</code>]</ref> and are therefore not portable. In portable shell scripts, the same effect may be achieved by connecting multiple invocations of <code>test</code> together with the <code>&&</code> and <code>||</code> operators and parentheses. ==Exit Status== This command returns the following exit values: ’‘’0’’’ - The Expression parameter is true ’‘’1’’’ - The Expression parameter is false or missing ’’‘>1’’’ - An error occurred ==Examples== 1. To test whether a file is nonexistent or empty, type:<!– touch(1) -s file True if file exists and has a size greater than zero. –> <source lang="bash"> if test ! -s "$1" then echo $1 does not exist or is empty. fi </source> If the file specified by the first positional parameter to the shell procedure, $1, does not exist or is of size 0, the test command displays the message. If $1 exists and has a size greater than 0, the test command displays nothing. Note: There must be a space between the -s function and the file name. The quotation marks around $1 ensure that the test works properly even if the value of $1 is a null string. If the quotation marks are omitted and $1 is the empty string, the test command displays the error message: test: argument expected. 2. To do a complex comparison, type: <source lang="bash"> if [ $# -lt 2 -o ! -e "$1" ] then exit fi </source> If the shell procedure is given fewer than two positional parameters or the file specified by $1 does not exist, then the shell procedure exits. The special shell variable $# represents the number of positional parameters entered on the command line that starts this shell procedure. ==See also== [[List of Unix utilities]] * [[Bourne shell]] * [[Korn shell|KornShell]]<!– KornShell is the proper name as written by its author –> * [[Z Shell]] * [[GNU]] <tt>[[Bash (Unix shell)|bash]]</tt> * [[C shell]] * <tt>[[tcsh]]</tt> * <tt>[[find]]</tt> ==References== <!–<nowiki> See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Footnotes for an explanation of how to generate footnotes using the <ref> and </ref> tags, and the template below. </nowiki>–> <references/> {{Unix commands}} [[Category:Unix SUS2008 utilities]] [[Category:Conditional constructs]] 6brs4q3f4obygm6jejvcafone0ck2k9
#### It’s still not displaying as a multiline chunk of text. How can I render it nicely as, let’s say XML output?

This is a sample piece of content returned by the “selectedXml” bit:

#### Test (Unix)

0 2491736 629490168 629490063 2014-10-13T21:13:12Z 2A02:580:B0ED:E300:9DBB:3B15:8A21:F31E /* Description / wikitext text/x-wiki {{lowercase|title= test (Unix)}} ’‘’test’’’ is a [[command line interface|command-line]] utility found in [[Unix-like]] operating systems that evaluates [[Conditional (programming)|conditional expressions]]. ==Syntax== test ‘’expression’’ or [ ‘’expression’’ ] ==Description== The <code>test</code> command in Unix evaluates the <code>expression</code> parameter. In some shells such as [[FreeBSD]] <code>sh(1)</code> it is a [[shell builtin]], even though the external version still exists. In the second form of the command, the <code>[ ]</code> (brackets) must be surrounded by blank spaces. This is because <code>[</code> is a program and [[POSIX]] compatible shells require a space between the program name and its arguments. One must test explicitly for file names in the C shell. File-name substitution ([[glob (programming)|globbing]]) causes the shell script to exit. == Arguments == The following arguments are used to construct this parameter: ’’‘-e’’’ FileName - FileName exists All remaining arguments return true if the object (file or string) exists, and the condition specified is true. ’’‘-b’’’ Filename - Returns a True exit value if the specified FileName exists and is a block special file ’’‘-c’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[character special file]] ’’‘-d’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[directory (file systems)|directory]] ’’‘-f’’’ FileName - FileName is a regular file ’’‘-g’’’ FileName - FileName’s Set [[Group identifier (Unix)|Group ID]] bit is set ’’‘-h’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[symbolic link]] ’’‘-k’’’ FileName - FileName’s sticky bit is set ’’‘-L’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[symbolic link]] ’’‘-p’’’ FileName - FileName is a [[named pipe]] (FIFO) ’’‘-r’’’ FileName - FileName is readable by the current process ’’‘-s’’’ FileName - FileName has a size greater than 0 ’’‘-t’’’ FileDescriptor - [[File descriptor|FileDescriptor]] is open and associated with a [[pseudo terminal|terminal]] ’’‘-u’’’ FileName - FileName’s Set [[User identifier (Unix)|User ID]] bit is set ’’‘-w’’’ FileName - FileName’s write flag is on. However, the FileName will not be writable on a read-only file system even if test indicates true ’’‘-x’’’ FileName - FileName’s [[Execution (computers)|execute]] flag is on If the specified file exists and is a directory, the <code>True</code> exit value indicates that the current process has permission to change <code>cd</code> into the directory. file1 ’’‘-nt’’’ file2 - file1 is newer than file2 file1 ’’‘-ot’’’ file2 - file1 is older than file2 file1 ’’‘-ef’’’ file2 - file1 is another name for file2 - ([[symbolic link]] or [[hard link]]) === String arguments === In [[Perl]], these sections are reversed: <code>eq</code> is a string operator and <code>==</code> is a numerical operator, and so on for the others. ’’‘-n’’’ String1 - the length of the String1 variable is nonzero ’’‘-z’’’ String1 - the length of the String1 variable is 0 (zero) String1 ’’‘=’’’ String2 - String1 and String2 variables are identical String1 ’’‘!=’’’ String2 - String1 and String2 variables are not identical String1 - String1 variable is not a null string === Number arguments === Integer1 ’’‘-eq’’’ Integer2 - Integer1 and Integer2 variables are [[algebra]]ically equal ’’‘-ne’’’ - not equal ’’‘-gt’’’ - greater than ’’‘-ge’’’ - greater or equal ’’‘-lt’’’ - less than ’’‘-le’’’ - less or equal === Operators === <code>test</code> arguments can be combined with the following operators: ’’‘!’’’ - Unary negation operator ’’‘-a’’’ - Binary AND operator ’’‘-o’’’ - Binary OR operator (the <code>-a</code> operator has higher precedence than the <code>-o</code> operator) ’’‘(Expression)’’’ - Parentheses for grouping must be escaped with a backslash <code>&lt;/code> The <code>-a</code> and <code>-o</code> operators, along with parentheses for grouping, are XSI extensions<ref>[http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/test.html IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004, documentation for <code>test</code>]</ref> and are therefore not portable. In portable shell scripts, the same effect may be achieved by connecting multiple invocations of <code>test</code> together with the <code>&&</code> and <code>||</code> operators and parentheses. ==Exit Status== This command returns the following exit values: ’‘’0’’’ - The Expression parameter is true ’‘’1’’’ - The Expression parameter is false or missing ’’‘>1’’’ - An error occurred ==Examples== 1. To test whether a file is nonexistent or empty, type:<!– touch(1) -s file True if file exists and has a size greater than zero. –> <source lang="bash"> if test ! -s "$1" then echo $1 does not exist or is empty. fi </source> If the file specified by the first positional parameter to the shell procedure, $1, does not exist or is of size 0, the test command displays the message. If $1 exists and has a size greater than 0, the test command displays nothing. Note: There must be a space between the -s function and the file name. The quotation marks around $1 ensure that the test works properly even if the value of $1 is a null string. If the quotation marks are omitted and $1 is the empty string, the test command displays the error message: test: argument expected. 2. To do a complex comparison, type: <source lang="bash"> if [ $# -lt 2 -o ! -e "$1" ] then exit fi </source> If the shell procedure is given fewer than two positional parameters or the file specified by $1 does not exist, then the shell procedure exits. The special shell variable $# represents the number of positional parameters entered on the command line that starts this shell procedure. ==See also== [[List of Unix utilities]] * [[Bourne shell]] * [[Korn shell|KornShell]]<!– KornShell is the proper name as written by its author –> * [[Z Shell]] * [[GNU]] <tt>[[Bash (Unix shell)|bash]]</tt> * [[C shell]] * <tt>[[tcsh]]</tt> * <tt>[[find]]</tt> ==References== <!–<nowiki> See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Footnotes for an explanation of how to generate footnotes using the <ref> and </ref> tags, and the template below. </nowiki>–> <references/> {{Unix commands}} [[Category:Unix SUS2008 utilities]] [[Category:Conditional constructs]] 6brs4q3f4obygm6jejvcafone0ck2k9
#### It’s still not displaying as a multiline chunk of text. How can I render it nicely as, let’s say XML output?
> http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/test.html
> Add URL to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(A)ll/(S)kip all/(D)on’t ask again [Yes]: d
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Footnotes
> Add URL to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(A)ll/(S)kip all/(D)on’t ask again [Yes]: s

To render the XML content nicely as multiline text with proper formatting, you can use a library like react-syntax-highlighter to display the XML with syntax highlighting. Here’s how you can modify the Wiki.jsx file to achieve this:

  1. Install the react-syntax-highlighter package if you haven’t already:

    npm install react-syntax-highlighter
  2. Update the Wiki.jsx file to use the syntax highlighter:

import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import { Container, Form, FormControl, ListGroup, Card } from "react-bootstrap";
import { Prism as SyntaxHighlighter } from "react-syntax-highlighter";
import { solarizedlight } from "react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/styles/prism";

const Wiki = () => {
  const [query, setQuery] = useState("");
  const [results, setResults] = useState([]);
  const [selectedXml, setSelectedXml] = useState(null);

  const abortControllerRef = useRef(null);
  let searchTimeout = null;

  const handleSearch = (e) => {
    const value = e.target.value;

    if (abortControllerRef.current) {

    if (searchTimeout) {

    if (value.trim().length >= 3) {
      searchTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
        abortControllerRef.current = new AbortController();
        const { signal } = abortControllerRef.current;
        try {
          fetch(`http://dgx:4444/offsets/${value}`, {
            mode: "cors",
            .then((response) => response.json())
            .then((data) => {
            .catch((error) => {
              if (error.name !== "AbortError") {
                console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
      }, 1000);
    } else {

  const handleResultClick = async (name, startByte, endByte) => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch(`http://dgx:4444/xml`, {
        headers: {
          Range: `bytes=${startByte}-${endByte}`,
      const xmlData = await response.text();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error fetching XML data:", error);

  return (
    <Container className="wiki-search-container">

      {results.length > 0 && (
        <ListGroup className="mt-3">
          {results.map(([name, startByte, endByte]) => (
              onClick={() => handleResultClick(name, startByte, endByte)}

      {selectedXml && (
        <Card className="mt-3">
            <SyntaxHighlighter language="xml" style={solarizedlight}>

export default Wiki;

This code uses react-syntax-highlighter to render the XML content with syntax highlighting, making it easier to read and visually appealing. You can choose different styles from the library to match your application’s theme.

Tokens: 6.6k sent, 823 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.28 session.

Please make that change.

To render the XML content nicely with syntax highlighting, we will use the react-syntax-highlighter package. Here are the changes needed in src/Wiki.jsx:

First, ensure you have installed the react-syntax-highlighter package:

npm install react-syntax-highlighter

Now, update the src/Wiki.jsx file:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import { Prism as SyntaxHighlighter } from "react-syntax-highlighter";
import { solarizedlight } from "react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/styles/prism";
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
            <SyntaxHighlighter language="xml" style={solarizedlight}>
>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes will render the XML content with syntax highlighting, making it more readable and visually appealing.

Tokens: 9.7k sent, 221 received. Cost: $0.03 message, $0.31 session.
Committing src/Wiki.jsx before applying edits.
Commit 2daa847 feat: Add useRef import to Wiki component for future enhancements
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 2882b76 feat: Add XML syntax highlighting in Wiki component using react-syntax-highlighter
npm install react-syntax-highlighter
Run shell command? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on’t ask again [Yes]: n
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Under the search box, add a component of some sort that will be used to display some information about the search results received. E.g. if I type in “Python”, there should be some light read-only text under the search bar that initially says “Searching for ‘Python’…”, when results are received, the text should say “Received results for ‘Python’…”, with N changing as more results are received.

To add a component that displays information about the search results, we will update the src/Wiki.jsx file to include a new state variable for the search status message and update it accordingly during the search process.

Here are the changes:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
  const [selectedXml, setSelectedXml] = useState(null);
  const [selectedXml, setSelectedXml] = useState(null);
  const [searchStatus, setSearchStatus] = useState("");
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
    if (abortControllerRef.current) {
    setSearchStatus(`Searching for '${value}'...`);
    if (abortControllerRef.current) {
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
              setSearchStatus(`Received ${data.length} results for '${value}'...`);
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      {results.length > 0 && (
      <div className="search-status mt-2 text-muted">

>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes will display a message under the search box indicating the current search status, updating as results are received.

Tokens: 5.9k sent, 257 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.33 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 72544ab feat: Add search status display for user feedback during search process
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Update the statusline to capture the duration it took, e.g. “Received 203 results for”Python” in x.y seconds.”

To capture the duration it took to receive the search results, we will update the src/Wiki.jsx file to measure the time taken for the fetch operation and include it in the status message.

Here are the changes:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      searchTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
      searchTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
        const startTime = performance.now();
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
              setSearchStatus(`Received ${data.length} results for '${value}'...`);
              const endTime = performance.now();
              const duration = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2);
              setSearchStatus(`Received ${data.length} results for '${value}' in ${duration} seconds.`);
>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes will update the status line to include the time taken to receive the search results.

Tokens: 6.3k sent, 181 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.35 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 0487f16 feat: Update statusline to include duration of search results retrieval
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

If there is no text in the search box, hide the status line.

To hide the status line when there is no text in the search box, we can conditionally render the status line based on the query state. Here are the changes:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      <div className="search-status mt-2 text-muted">
      {query && (
        <div className="search-status mt-2 text-muted">
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This change will ensure that the status line is only displayed when there is text in the search box.

Tokens: 6.6k sent, 124 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.36 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 460f82b feat: Hide status line when search box is empty
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Review the search bar logic. When I’m typing fast, e.g. if I type Trent fast, where each character is definitely being typed well before a second has elapsed… the app is still dispatching searches for each keystroke. i.e. in the Chrome dev console I can see that 200 fetch requests were dispatched for ‘Tre’, then ‘Tren’, then ‘Trent’. We should be waiting for at least a second to see if there has been any more typing before dispatching a fetch.

To ensure that the app waits for at least a second before dispatching a fetch request, we need to adjust the debounce logic in the handleSearch function. Specifically, we should clear the timeout and set a new one only if the user stops typing for a second.

Here are the changes:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
    setSearchStatus(`Searching for '${value}'...`);
    if (abortControllerRef.current) {
      abortControllerRef.current.abort(); // Cancel any ongoing fetch requests

    if (searchTimeout) {

    if (value.trim().length >= 3) {
      searchTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
        const startTime = performance.now();
        abortControllerRef.current = new AbortController();
        const { signal } = abortControllerRef.current;
        try {
          fetch(`http://dgx:4444/offsets/${value}`, {
            mode: "cors",
            .then((response) => response.json())
            .then((data) => {
              const endTime = performance.now();
              const duration = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2);
              setSearchStatus(`Received ${data.length} results for '${value}' in ${duration} seconds.`);
            .catch((error) => {
              if (error.name !== "AbortError") {
                console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
      }, 1000);
      setSelectedXml(null); // Clear selected XML when the search box is cleared
    } else {
    if (searchTimeout) {

    if (value.trim().length >= 3) {
      searchTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
        setSearchStatus(`Searching for '${value}'...`);

        if (abortControllerRef.current) {
          abortControllerRef.current.abort(); // Cancel any ongoing fetch requests

        const startTime = performance.now();
        abortControllerRef.current = new AbortController();
        const { signal } = abortControllerRef.current;
        try {
          fetch(`http://dgx:4444/offsets/${value}`, {
            mode: "cors",
            .then((response) => response.json())
            .then((data) => {
              const endTime = performance.now();
              const duration = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2);
              setSearchStatus(`Received ${data.length} results for '${value}' in ${duration} seconds.`);
            .catch((error) => {
              if (error.name !== "AbortError") {
                console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
      }, 1000);
    } else {
    setSelectedXml(null); // Clear selected XML when the search box is cleared
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This change ensures that the search request is only dispatched if the user stops typing for at least one second, reducing unnecessary fetch requests.

Tokens: 6.9k sent, 694 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.39 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit fb141da fix: Implement debounce logic for search requests to reduce fetch calls
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Ok that still dispatches calls for ‘Tre’, ‘Tren’, ‘Trent’, cancels all three of them, then dispatches a final one (presumably one second later) for ‘Trent’.

To address the issue of multiple fetch requests being dispatched and canceled, we can improve the debounce logic by using a useEffect hook to manage the timeout. This will ensure that the fetch request is only dispatched after the user has stopped typing for a specified duration.

Here’s how you can implement this:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
  let searchTimeout = null;

  const handleSearch = (e) => {
    const value = e.target.value;

    if (searchTimeout) {

    if (value.trim().length >= 3) {
      searchTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
        setSearchStatus(`Searching for '${value}'...`);

        if (abortControllerRef.current) {
          abortControllerRef.current.abort(); // Cancel any ongoing fetch requests

        const startTime = performance.now();
        abortControllerRef.current = new AbortController();
        const { signal } = abortControllerRef.current;
        try {
          fetch(`http://dgx:4444/offsets/${value}`, {
            mode: "cors",
            .then((response) => response.json())
            .then((data) => {
              const endTime = performance.now();
              const duration = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2);
              setSearchStatus(`Received ${data.length} results for '${value}' in ${duration} seconds.`);
            .catch((error) => {
              if (error.name !== "AbortError") {
                console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);
      }, 1000);
    } else {
    setSelectedXml(null); // Clear selected XML when the search box is cleared
  const handleSearch = (e) => {
    setSelectedXml(null); // Clear selected XML when the search box is cleared

  useEffect(() => {
    if (query.trim().length < 3) {

    setSearchStatus(`Searching for '${query}'...`);

    if (abortControllerRef.current) {
      abortControllerRef.current.abort(); // Cancel any ongoing fetch requests

    const startTime = performance.now();
    abortControllerRef.current = new AbortController();
    const { signal } = abortControllerRef.current;

    const fetchData = async () => {
      try {
        const response = await fetch(`http://dgx:4444/offsets/${query}`, {
          mode: "cors",
        const data = await response.json();
        const endTime = performance.now();
        const duration = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2);
        setSearchStatus(`Received ${data.length} results for '${query}' in ${duration} seconds.`);
      } catch (error) {
        if (error.name !== "AbortError") {
          console.error("Error fetching search results:", error);

    const timeoutId = setTimeout(fetchData, 1000);

    return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId);
  }, [query]);
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This refactoring uses useEffect to handle the debounce logic, ensuring that the fetch request is only dispatched after the user has stopped typing for one second. This should prevent unnecessary fetch requests and improve performance.

Tokens: 6.9k sent, 787 received. Cost: $0.03 message, $0.41 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 9289f8d refactor: Improve debounce logic for search requests using useEffect
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

When a search result is clicked on and setQuery(name) is called… a new offset search is being dispatched. This shouldn’t happen. The “text” of the search bar should be set, but no actual query should be made. Hopefully this could be done by maybe something like setQuery(name, textOnly=true) or something.

To prevent a new search from being dispatched when setting the query text from a search result click, we can introduce a new state variable to control whether the search should be triggered. Here’s how you can implement this:

  1. Add a new state variable shouldSearch to control when the search should be triggered.
  2. Modify the handleSearch function to set shouldSearch to true when the user types in the search box.
  3. Update the useEffect hook to only perform the search if shouldSearch is true.
  4. Set shouldSearch to false when setting the query from a search result click.

Here are the changes:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
  const [selectedXml, setSelectedXml] = useState(null);
  const [selectedXml, setSelectedXml] = useState(null);
  const [shouldSearch, setShouldSearch] = useState(true);
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
    if (query.trim().length < 3) {
    if (!shouldSearch || query.trim().length < 3) {
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      setQuery(name); // Place the result's name into the search bar
>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes ensure that the search is only triggered when the user types in the search box, and not when the query is set from a search result click.

Tokens: 7.0k sent, 360 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.43 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 863cc96 feat: Prevent search dispatch when setting query from search result click
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Add a radio button with two states, XML and HTML, with the default being XML. The button should come below the search bar, before the status line. When the radio button is set to XML, all current behavior remains the same. When it is set to HTML, we use a new selectedHtml component, and the URL is http://dgx:4444/html instead of http://dgx:4444/xml. Use a new for displaying {selectedHtml && …

http://dgx:4444/htmlAdd URL to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(A)ll/(S)kip all/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: n http://dgx:4444/xml
Add URL to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(A)ll/(S)kip all/(D)on’t ask again [Yes]: n

To implement the requested changes, we need to update src/Wiki.jsx to:

  1. Add a radio button group to toggle between XML and HTML.
  2. Introduce a new state variable to track the selected format.
  3. Modify the handleResultClick function to fetch data from the appropriate URL based on the selected format.
  4. Render the selected content in a new <Card> for HTML.

Here are the SEARCH/REPLACE blocks:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
import { Container, Form, FormControl, ListGroup, Card } from "react-bootstrap";
import { Container, Form, FormControl, ListGroup, Card, FormCheck } from "react-bootstrap";
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
  const [shouldSearch, setShouldSearch] = useState(true);
  const [format, setFormat] = useState("XML");
  const [shouldSearch, setShouldSearch] = useState(true);
  const [selectedHtml, setSelectedHtml] = useState(null);
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
  // Handle item click and fetch XML data
  // Handle item click and fetch data based on selected format
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      const response = await fetch(`http://dgx:4444/xml`, {
      const url = format === "XML" ? "http://dgx:4444/xml" : "http://dgx:4444/html";
      const response = await fetch(url, {
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      const xmlData = await response.text();
      setQuery(name); // Place the result's name into the search bar
      const data = await response.text();
      setQuery(name); // Place the result's name into the search bar
      if (format === "XML") {
      } else {
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      <Form className="mb-3">
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      {query && (
        checked={format === "XML"}
        onChange={() => setFormat("XML")}
        checked={format === "HTML"}
        onChange={() => setFormat("HTML")}

      {query && searchStatus && (
>>>>>>> REPLACE


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      {selectedHtml && (
        <Card className="mt-3">
            <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: selectedHtml }} />
>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes will add a radio button group to toggle between XML and HTML formats, fetch data from the appropriate URL, and display the content accordingly.

Tokens: 6.4k sent, 706 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.46 session.
Committing src/Wiki.jsx before applying edits.
Commit 2280058 style: Format search status and results list for better readability
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 850857a feat: Add radio button to toggle between XML and HTML formats
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Make sure the ‘Wiki’ tab is always “activated” whenever the page first loads (or reloads). I’m not sure if this should be handled in src/App.jsx.

To ensure the ‘Wiki’ tab is always activated when the page first loads or reloads, we need to set the defaultActiveKey to “wiki” in the Tabs component within src/App.jsx. Here is the necessary change:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
        <Tabs defaultActiveKey="stats" id="main-tabs">
        <Tabs defaultActiveKey="wiki" id="main-tabs">
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This change will ensure that the ‘Wiki’ tab is the default active tab whenever the page is loaded.

Tokens: 7.4k sent, 116 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.48 session.
Committing src/App.jsx before applying edits.
Commit 10b02e1 fix: Remove Stats tab from the main application view
Applied edit to src/App.jsx
Commit 61a843b feat: Set ‘Wiki’ tab as default active tab on page load
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.


Multiline mode: Enabled. Enter inserts newline, Alt-Enter submits text

/add src/Utils.jsx

Added src/Utils.jsx to the chat

Verify if src/Utils.jsx is correct; I am using it as a JSX module for helper routines.

To ensure src/Utils.jsx is correctly set up as a JSX module for helper routines, we need to ensure it exports the bytesToHuman function. Here’s the necessary change:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
function bytesToHuman(bytes) {
export function bytesToHuman(bytes) {
>>>>>>> REPLACE

This change will export the bytesToHuman function, making it available for import in other modules.

Tokens: 7.7k sent, 93 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.50 session.
Committing src/Utils.jsx before applying edits.
Commit 98a54f5 feat: Add Utils component for utility functions
Applied edit to src/Utils.jsx
Commit b7c8aec feat: Export bytesToHuman function from Utils module for usage in other files
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Alter the search results such that after each text component is displayed, the size of the article is calculated (via last byte - first byte), and then displayed as ” [{bytesToHuman(size)}]“, e.g. if the search result item is”Python (programming language)“, it should now display”Python (programming language) [3.8 MB]” (assuming “3.8 MB” is returned by the bytesToHuman() routine).

To display the size of each article in the search results, we need to calculate the size using the difference between endByte and startByte, and then format it using the bytesToHuman function. Here’s how you can implement this:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
        {results.map(([name, startByte, endByte]) => (
            onClick={() => handleResultClick(name, startByte, endByte)}
        {results.map(([name, startByte, endByte]) => {
          const size = endByte - startByte;
          return (
              onClick={() => handleResultClick(name, startByte, endByte)}
              {name} [{bytesToHuman(size)}]
>>>>>>> REPLACE

Tokens: 6.7k sent, 208 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.52 session.
Committing src/Wiki.jsx before applying edits.
Commit a64ef15 refactor: Improve code formatting and clean up unused components in Wiki.jsx
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 2e5d371 feat: Display article size in search results using bytesToHuman function
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Add additional code to the status line that displays the following after an XML document has been received: “Received {bytesToHuman(content-length)} in x.yz seconds.”.

To display the content length in the status line after receiving an XML document, we need to update the handleResultClick function in src/Wiki.jsx. We’ll calculate the content length from the response headers and update the status message accordingly.

Here’s the necessary change:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
      const data = await response.text();
      setQuery(name); // Place the result's name into the search bar
      if (format === "XML") {
      } else {
      setResults([]); // Clear results when an item is clicked
      const data = await response.text();
      const contentLength = response.headers.get("Content-Length");
      const endTime = performance.now();
      const duration = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2);
      setQuery(name); // Place the result's name into the search bar
      if (format === "XML") {
          `Received ${bytesToHuman(contentLength)} in ${duration} seconds.`
      } else {
      setResults([]); // Clear results when an item is clicked
>>>>>>> REPLACE

Tokens: 7.0k sent, 297 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.54 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit be53a22 feat: Display content length and duration in status line after XML receipt
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Fix this error:



Line 87:36: ‘startTime’ is not defined no-undef

To fix the error, we need to ensure that startTime is defined within the scope of the handleResultClick function. It seems like startTime was intended to be used to measure the duration of the fetch operation, but it wasn’t defined in the function. We should define startTime at the beginning of the handleResultClick function.

Here’s the change:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
    try {
    const startTime = performance.now();
    try {
>>>>>>> REPLACE

Tokens: 7.5k sent, 108 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.56 session.
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit 14907ab fix: Define ‘startTime’ in handleResultClick to resolve no-undef error
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

Change the selectedXml style so that the lines wrap.

To enable line wrapping for the selectedXml content, we need to adjust the SyntaxHighlighter component’s style. We can achieve this by setting the wrapLongLines property to true.

Here’s the change:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
            <SyntaxHighlighter language="xml" style={solarizedlight}>
            <SyntaxHighlighter language="xml" style={solarizedlight} wrapLongLines={true}>
>>>>>>> REPLACE

Tokens: 7.7k sent, 102 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.58 session.
Committing src/Wiki.jsx before applying edits.
Commit 083bfad refactor: Improve search status handling and conditionally render results
Applied edit to src/Wiki.jsx
Commit eee4498 feat: Enable line wrapping for selectedXml in SyntaxHighlighter component
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

That didn’t appear to do anything. Can you review the App.scss or App.css and see if anything can be done there?

To improve the styling of the selectedXml content for better readability, we can adjust the CSS in src/App.scss to ensure proper line wrapping and spacing. Let’s add some styles to enhance the display of the XML content.

Here’s the SEARCH/REPLACE block for src/App.scss:


<<<<<<< SEARCH
.wiki-search-container .list-group-item {
    white-space: normal; // Allow text to wrap
.wiki-search-container .list-group-item {
    white-space: normal; // Allow text to wrap

.wiki-search-container .card-body {
    white-space: pre-wrap; // Preserve whitespace and wrap lines
    word-wrap: break-word; // Break long words
    overflow-wrap: break-word; // Ensure long words break
    line-height: 1.5; // Improve readability with line height
>>>>>>> REPLACE

These changes will ensure that the XML content is displayed with proper line wrapping and spacing, making it easier to read.

Tokens: 6.5k sent, 212 received. Cost: $0.02 message, $0.59 session.
Applied edit to src/App.scss
Commit 3cef238 style: Improve readability of selected XML content in App.scss
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

PyTorch, Deep Neural Networks, LLMs, and Andrej Karpathy’s YouTube Series
